Bricom Contact Suite
Call Charges and Number Licensing Estimates
Estimate how much to spend on your call center, adjust your requirements or scale up if you like it
Your Custom Pricing Estimate
Call Charges
Outbound Call Charges
Inbound Call Charges
Option 1
Business Number Cost
Option 1
Option 1
Grand Total
Remaining Minutes
Subscription Package Fee
The monthly agent pricing displayed here is for an annual billing cycle. Agent pricing may vary for monthly or quarterly billing cycle.
The prices shown by this tool are purely estimates and will vary with customer's use case. Estimates are not guaranteed and the company holds sole discretion on the actual pricing given to the customer.
Phone number charges also apply based on the selected country and type of the number and will be billed monthly.
Pricing used for this calculation is for local numbers, the pricing may vary if a different number type is selected while purchasing the number